Authors of Quotations
at the Head of the Book
1 1 Heidegger, Martin. The
Principle of Reason. Translated by Reginald Lilly. Verlag Gunther Neske, Pfullingen,
1957 (Der Satz vom Grund). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991, at 3.
2 Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species (1859). In Darwin,
A Norton Critical Edition. 2nd ed. Edited by Philip Appleman. New York, NY: W. W.
Norton & Company, Inc., 1970, 1979, at 54.
3 Solomon. Proverbs 22:7 and Ecclesiastes 3:15-16.
4 Kant, Immanuel. Religion Within the Limits of Reason
Alone (1793). Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Theodore M. Greene and
Hoyt H. Hudson. Essay, "The Ethical Significance of Kant's Religion," by
John R. Silber. La Salle, IL: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1934. New York, NY:
Harper & Brothers, 1960, at 32.
5 Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations (1776). 2 vols.
in 1. Edited by Edwin Cannan. Preface by George J. Stigler. The University of Chicago,
1976. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, at 74 and 107 (vol. 1, bk. 1).
(Cannan's ed. was originally pub. 1904 by Methuen & Co., Ltd.)
6 Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan (1651). Edited with an
Introduction by Crawford Brough Macpherson. C. B. Macpherson, 1968. London England:
Penguin Books Ltd., at 385.
7 Plato. The Laws. Translated with an Introduction by
Trevor J. Saunders, 1970. London, England: Penguin Books Ltd., at 211.
Authors and Sources
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The Origin of Species (1859). In Darwin, A Norton Critical
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Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time.
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Dianne. See Statistics Canada,
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Hobbes, Thomas. Behemoth or The Long
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Morse. Darwinism and Darwinisticism. In Darwin, A Norton Critical Edition,
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Plato. The Laws. Translated with an
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Ricardo, David. On the Principles of
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Crime Reporting Survey, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.) (Rebecca
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Income After Tax within Quintiles for Family Units, 1971 to 1993, in
Constant (1993) Dollars, at 34-35.)
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Division, Catalogue 13-214, March 1995. (Table 2: Credit Market Summary
Table, at 4-5.) (Robert Smith, private communication, November 24, 1995:
debt outstanding of persons and unincorporated business, 1970-1994).
Public Sector Finance 1995-1996, Financial Management System.
Statistics Canada, Catalogue 68-212-XPB, March 1996. (Table 1.0: Federal,
Provincial, Territorial and Local Government Net Debt, as at March 31, at 1;
Table 1.5: Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Local Government Deficits,
at 5.)
Therapeutic Abortions 1993. Statistics Canada, Health Statistics
Division, Catalogue 82-219, July 1995 (Tables and explanations prepared
under the direction of: J. Hagey, C. Nair, and S. Wadhera). (Table 2:
Therapeutic Abortions by Area of Residence of the Therapeutic Abortion
Patient, Canada, 1971-1993; and Table 4: Therapeutic Abortion Rates (Number
of Therapeutic Abortions per 100 Live Births) by Province, Canada,
A series of 13 Statistics Canada pubs. providing hospital morbidity and
separations statistics for the identified periods: Catalogue 82-206
(1976-1985), Catalogue 82-003S (1985-1988), Catalogue 82-003S1 (1988-1990),
Catalogue 82-216 (1990-1993), and Catalogue 82-216-XPB (1993-1994). (1st and
last pubs. consulted: Hospital Morbidity 1977, November 1980, Catalogue
82-206; and Hospital Morbidity and Surgical Procedures 1993-1994, March
1996, Catalogue 82-216-XPB, Tables and explanatory text prepared under the
direction of Janet Hagey, Cyril Nair, and Rod Riley.)
A series of 18 Statistics Canada pubs. providing vital or mortality
statistics for the identified periods: Catalogue 84-206 (1976-1986),
Catalogue 82-003S (1987-1988), Catalogue 82-003S12 (1989-1990), Catalogue
84-209 (1991-1992), and Catalogue 84-209-XPB (1993-1994). (1st and last
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Catalogue 84-206; and Mortality--Summary List of Causes 1994, 4 (1),
August 1996, Catalogue 84-209-XPB.)
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